La Fortuna to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Dominical to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Papagayo Peninsula to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Monteverde to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Paquera to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Manuel Antonio to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Sierpe to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Nicoya to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Samara to Tambor, Alajuela Province
San Jose to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Tamarindo to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Nosara to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Liberia to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Arenal to Tambor, Alajuela Province
Uvita to Tambor, Alajuela Province
The World Economic Forum said that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in our oceans. Here are 4 tips on how to use less plastic when traveling.
There are five fundamental ways in which technology has transformed and continues to transform our trips and saves our lives.
From analog cameras to traveler`s checks – nostalgia is great, but we were happy to replace these 5 habits with innovative new technologies.