Puerto Princesa to El Nido
Siquijor to Dumaguete
Dumaguete to Siquijor
El Nido to Coron
Bohol to Siquijor
Cebu to Siquijor
Coron to El Nido
El Nido to Puerto Princesa
Puerto Princesa to Port Barton
Siquijor to Cebu
Manila to Banaue
Manila to Sagada
Snorkeling, parasailing, hiking? Check. What about helicopter riding, ziplining, zorb balling & becoming a mermaid? Check, check, check & check in Boracay.
Have you even experienced the Philippines if you haven’t attended the Ati-Atihan festival? If not, it’s time to play at the biggest Filipino fiesta!
Visit the fascinating Banaue Rice Terraces & explore this popular UNESCO World Heritage site in the Philippines with our complete guide to the destination.
These are the holidays celebrated in Philippines: