Address: Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport, Calle 30, Km 7 Aeropuerto Ernesto Cortissoz Soledad, Barranquilla, Atlántico, Colombia
The best time to visit Colombia depends on where you travel & your bucket list. We’ve broken it down into seasons to make it easier to plan
Cartagena beaches, Colombia and known for their picturesque tranquility & bustling nightlife. Read our full beach guide for all the details.
Party trips combine two types of fun, but also demand that you pay attention to certain things for maximum joy and minimum problems.
Air travel remains the most polluting form of transport, but we know that it can`t always be avoided. Learn what to consider when it`s your only option.
The world is too big and beautiful for us to stop traveling and exploring everything it has to offer, so discover how to become a more sustainable traveler.