Mogador is based in Casablanca, Morocco, and provides bus services between Marrakesh and Essaouira.
Telefon 1: +212 6799 82888
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Nothing bad to say. The seats were not so comfortable for a tall guy (1,85m) but fine anyways
Very nice service!!!!
Good service
Its not 3 huers, closer to 5 with a LOT of stop.
The book away site was wonderful easy to use, excellent when you make dumb mistakes like I did and was a really great resource for my travels and I highly recommend it, regarding the bus don’t be a tight arse, use super tours or CTM legit the bus I went on to save a couple of dollars was terrible it was late I’m almost certain not a single seat wasnt broken got to Essouria an hour late and at one point picked up a dude with a few live chickens- sure it was a great story but compared to the CTM or super tours buses it was horrible
Die Entfernung zwischen Essaouira und Marrakesch beträgt 106 Meilen oder ca. 169 Kilometer.Es gibt 3 verschiedene Verbindungsoptionen zwischen Essaouira und Marrakesch, darunter Auto, Minivan, and BusDie früheste Abfahrt ist um 00:00 und hat eine Reisezeit von 3 Stunden.
Die Entfernung zwischen Marrakesch und Essaouira beträgt 106 Meilen oder ca. 169 Kilometer.Es gibt 3 verschiedene Verbindungsoptionen zwischen Marrakesch und Essaouira, darunter Auto, Minivan, and BusDie früheste Abfahrt ist um 00:00 und hat eine Reisezeit von 3 Stunden.
Marrakesch nach Essaouira per Bus
Die einzige verfügbare Reiseklasse ist Standard.
Die Bewertungen unserer Nutzer zu Reisen mit Mogador
Basierend auf 76 Bewertungen von Bookaway-Benutzern, die mit Mogador gereist sind
The book away site was wonderful easy to use, excellent when you make dumb mistakes like I did and was a really great resource for my travels and I highly recommend it, regarding the bus don’t be a tight arse, use super tours or CTM legit the bus I went on to save a couple of dollars was terrible it was late I’m almost certain not a single seat wasnt broken got to Essouria an hour late and at one point picked up a dude with a few live chickens- sure it was a great story but compared to the CTM or super tours buses it was horrible