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Sitios que tienes que visitar en Austria

Austria en un vistazo

Prefijo internacional
Está bien saberlo
Austria sits in the center of Europe, and throughout time itself this country has been the epicenter of action. No matter if we're talking about art, music, literature or conflict, the events which have unfolded in Austria serve as a great impact on our lives today. When visiting, tour the city centers. Vienna is considered to be a UNESCO historic site. There are many resources online about what to do in this great city, including an entire list of things to do, from A to Z. Beyond exploring cities like Vienna, Salzburg, and Graz, head out to the remarkable nature. Whether visiting in the summer or in the winter months, the vast parks (there are six total national parks) and mountain ranges represent a whole other ballpark when it comes to the passage of time.
Lengua hablada
Coste medio de un billete de transporte
US$ 61.6

Tus preguntas, Nuestras respuestas

¿Qué festividades se celebran en Austria?

Estas son las festividades que se celebran en Austria:

  • Día de Todos los Santos '
  • Día de la ascensión
  • Día Nacional de Austria
  • Navidad
  • Corpus Christi
  • Pascua de Resurrección
  • Lunes de Pascua
  • Epifanía
  • Fiesta de la Asunción
  • Fiesta de la Inmaculada Concepción
  • Día laboral
  • Año nuevo ' s
  • Pentecostés
  • Día de San Esteban ' s
  • Lunes de Pentecostés