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Más acerca de Rijeka Bus Station

  • Rijeka Bus Station

    Llegar a Rijeka Bus Station

    Dirección:  Trg Žabica 1, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia

  • Rijeka Central Bus Station

    Llegar a Rijeka Central Bus Station

    The stop is located south-east of the train station. From the train station, turn right out of the main exit and walk along the street "Kresmirova ulica" until the bus station. For passengers who travel with GoOpti, please stand at Žabica 2.

    Dirección:  Žabica 6, 51000,Rijeka ,CROATIA

Estaciones cercanas

  • Rijeka - Any hotel

  • Senj Restaurant Konoba Val bus station

  • Rijeka Pier

station location

Tus preguntas, Nuestras respuestas

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de llegar a Rijeka Bus Station?

Puedes ver las indicaciones desde tu ubicación actual aquí: https://www.google.com/maps/dir//Trg Žabica 1, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia

¿Qué otras estaciones están cerca de Rijeka Bus Station?

Rijeka - Any hotel  está a 392 metros de Rijeka Bus StationSenj Restaurant Konoba Val bus station  está a 392 metros de Rijeka Bus Station