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Más acerca de Nguyen Kim Da Lat

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    Nguyen Kim Da Lat

    Llegar a Nguyen Kim Da Lat

    Nguyen Kim parking place in Dalat is on No. 17 Luong The Vinh street, next to Khanh Linh local café restaurant. Outside the café, there is a big white sign with Nguyen Kim company logo on it. The bus will stop on the main road, next to the sign, to pick up and drop off customers.

    Dirección:  17 Đường Lương Thế Vinh, Phường 3, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Lâm Đồng, Vietnam

Estaciones cercanas

  • 6 Lu Gia, Da Lat

  • 6 Lu Gia (Thanh Buoi office)

  • 142 Phu Dong Thien Vuong

station location

Tus preguntas, Nuestras respuestas

¿Cuál es la mejor manera de llegar a Nguyen Kim Da Lat?

¿Qué otras estaciones están cerca de Nguyen Kim Da Lat?

6 Lu Gia, Da Lat  está a 3 Km de Nguyen Kim Da Lat6 Lu Gia (Thanh Buoi office)  está a 3 Km de Nguyen Kim Da Lat