Cairo Bus - Billetes y reservas en línea

4.5(18 reseñas)

Cairo Bus is based in El Nozha, Egypt, and provides shared minivan services from Alexandria, Cairo and Hurghada to Ain Sokhna, Saint Catherine, El Tor, Dahab, Nuweiba, Taba, Hurghada, Makadi Bay, Sahl Hasheesh and Soma Bay.

Dirección oficial: El-Mosheer Ahmed Ismail Street, Sheraton Al Matar

Teléfono 1: +20 114 444 2121

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Cairo Bus

  • We were quite worried, but everything went perfect. Car was on time and offered even to start earlier if we are ready. Driver was kind and caring and had incredible driving skills. It was very smooth even in bad roads with poor crazy city roads, but at the same time quite fast. There were quite a couple of checks and borders, so actually we couldn’t sleep anyway and I will recommend to take a day trip, not night. Bus did look as on a picture. Eventually we arrived much faster than expected. Considering 30min stops twice it took us about 9 hours in total. Probably empty roads and no lines on borders at night made a trip much faster. Big thank you for the company and driver.

  • the ride was really comfy. I was the only women in the bus and the only foreigner. but they have treated me really nice, felt safe all the time. with the two checkpoint, the ride needs around 10h. the only problem was the pick up location at senzo mall. there was just the location on the map, which was not correct. after 45min of trying to reach the service hotline they told me it's on the other side of senzo at the gas sation and I shal wait at the cafe inside. So I had luck I was that early there. After that everything was working very well👍🏼

  • The timing of the start was not safely established, so the other passengers had to wait for us a lot , but nobody was angry, and the driver took much care about us. The same at the arrival, he took care to drive us to our destination even letting the others to wait. So a great thank you.

  • There was a hiccup as the pick-up location was changed less than an hour before I was due to start my journey. This notification was sent via email and I had not checked it. I realised 10 minutes before the journey that the new pick-up location was another 20-minute drive. Being from another country I went into panic mode as I had luggage and 2 children with me. After several contacts through the website, with the tour operator on WhatsApp and the driver - the minivan eventually came and collected me from the original pick-up location. Therefore we were 25 minutes late setting off. I had booked a 3pm ride which stated it was due to get to Sharm El Sheikh for 1am. We reached Sharm at 5:30am. I think the website needs to update the realistic expectation that the trip could take 12-14 hours. Other than this the ride was very comfortable and smooth - being the only woman in the van I had no issues and felt very safe. The van has USB ports, adequate AC and we managed to get a decent nap during the drive. There were a few check-in points not just with passports but also luggage so that was inconvenient as it disturbed sleep however, this is out of the operators control and it was within the last 2-3 hours of the journey. I would ride with this again but would be more prepared for the longer journey therefore I’d go for the 6pm ride from Luxor to Sharm which would possibly get me there by 8am and give me a decent sleep too. Upon arrival in Sharm El Sheikh, the men were very helpful and got me safely into a taxi and gave the driver my hotel location. Thank you for picking me up and sorting everything on the day - I really appreciated not being left stranded or having to deal with the hassle of trying to get a taxi. I would suggest using a WhatsApp message or phoning is location changes happen in the future. It’s quite frightening having the feeling of possibly being left behind with nowhere to go.

  • Everything was good and the driver was very good. Thank you!

  • Para quem for viajar no Egito pela primeira vez: é normal pegarem no seu passaporte no início da viagem e só devolverem no final (não se assuste!) afinal tem um número considerável (e cansativo) de passagens pela segurança! No dia de cada viagem recebemos um WhatsApp com a localização e hora do pick up (tenha em conta que pode ser um pouco diferente do inicialmente agendado no site, por isso fique atento) mas deu tudo certo! O transporte em si foi muito tranquilo e apesar do motorista nao falar inglês, ele fez de tudo conseguirmos nos entender, super simpático e bom motorista! A comunicação com a pessoa do WhatsApp, também ótima e prestativa! Algumas paragens no caminho para o banheiro em uma viagem longa Bom jeito de viajar no Egito!

Rutas populares de Cairo Bus

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  • 29Cities
  • 143Rutas

Reseñas de nuestros viajeros del viaje con Cairo Bus


Basado en 18 reseñas de usuarios de Bookaway que han viajado con Cairo Bus

Sofia K.

Stefanie R.

Etele K.

Waseela B.

Aïcha T.

Las estaciones más populares de Cairo Bus

Elige una ciudad

Tus preguntas, Nuestras respuestas

¿Cuánto cuesta un viaje en autobús para Cairo hasta Dahab?

El precio de un billete de adulto de ida y vuelta en minivan a Dahab saliendo de Cairo es de unos US$9

¿Cairo Bus tiene lavabos a bordo?

¡Cairo Bus cuenta con baños!

¿Hay wifi en Cairo Bus?

La mayoría de las rutas de Cairo Bus tienen wifi a bordo. Te recomendamos que contactes directamente con Cairo Bus para averiguar si la tuya es una de ellas.

¿En necesario que imprima los billetes o Cairo Bus ofrece billetes electrónicos?

Cairo Bus utiliza billetes electrónicos, de manera que no es necesario que los imprimas.

¿En qué ciudades opera Cairo Bus?

Cairo Bus opera en Luxor, Hurghada, Cairo, Alejandría, Asuán, Dahab, Sharm El Sheikh, Taba, Santa Catalina, Ain Sokhna, Giza, Nuweiba, Makadi Bay, El Gouna, Sahl Hasheesh, El Tor, Safaga, Bahía Soma, El Alamein, Marsa Alam, Quseir, Al Fayrouz, Seis de Octubre, Paradise Island Hurghada, Magawish Island, Jazirat Abu Rimathi Island, Gotta Abu Ramada, Juzur Abu Minqar Island y Ras Abu Rudeis

¿Cuál es la información de contacto de Cairo Bus?

Teléfono: +20 114 444 2121

¿Dónde se encuentra la oficina de Cairo Bus?

La oficina de Cairo Bus se encuentra en El-Mosheer Ahmed Ismail Street, Sheraton Al Matar