Caribbean Sprinter - Billetes y reservas en línea

4.9(13 reseñas)

Caribbean Sprinter is based in Belize City, Belize, and provides ferry transfer services between Belize City, Caye Caulker, San Pedro, Ambergris Caye, and Caye Chapel.

Dirección oficial: 10 N Front St

Teléfono 1: +501 620-3566

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Caribbean Sprinter

  • Driver was amazing! He was waiting outside customs holding a sign with our names. Our flights were delayed reaching Belize which meant we missed our original ferry to the island we were traveling to. Our driver was very communicative, friendly and resourceful. He was able to book us on a later ferry so we could reach our final spot. Thank you!

  • Our round trip van & ferry ride between San Pedro & Belize City was uneventful, which when traveling is a good thing. Our driver texted us to coordinate meet up time & place at the airport, got us to the terminal quickly and the ferry ride was a great way to kick off our vacation. The ride back was just as easy and efficient. Definitely recommend this method of transport to/from San Pedro!

  • The driver was great with loading and unloading baggage. The driver was safe, and we arrived safely to the airport on time.

  • Everything went according to plan Experiment the Departure: we left 30 minutes later for no apparent reason. One employee arrived later. A little more transparency and communication would be desirable. Waiting time at the harbour (you should be there 2hours before) could be shortened. Also there is no place to eat or drink directly at the harbour, the restaurant was closed. However, pleasant crossing, even in San Pedro everything only took a few minutes, which was very suprising.

  • The service was great but this was my first ferry ride to island. I was expecting it to be more scenic but we were inside the ferry with no window views. Much cheaper than flying but definitely not as scenic

  • The ship is fast, safe and on time. the staff is helpful. Shuttle drivers were met at the pier. The whole trip from Caye Caulker to the airport was great. I recommend it.

Rutas populares de Caribbean Sprinter

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  • 5Cities
  • 15Rutas

Reseñas de nuestros viajeros del viaje con Caribbean Sprinter


Basado en 13 reseñas de usuarios de Bookaway que han viajado con Caribbean Sprinter

Kristen C.

Laura P.

Kevin W.

Lisa R.

Allison K.

Las estaciones más populares de Caribbean Sprinter

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Tus preguntas, Nuestras respuestas

¿Cuánto cuesta un viaje en autobús para Cayo Caulker hasta Belize City?

El precio de un billete de adulto de ida y vuelta en ferry a Belize City saliendo de Cayo Caulker es de unos US$23

¿Caribbean Sprinter tiene lavabos a bordo?

¡Caribbean Sprinter no cuenta con baños.

¿Hay wifi en Caribbean Sprinter?

Caribbean Sprinter no tiene wifi a bordo en ninguna de sus rutas.

¿En necesario que imprima los billetes o Caribbean Sprinter ofrece billetes electrónicos?

Caribbean Sprinter utiliza billetes electrónicos, de manera que no es necesario que los imprimas.

¿En qué ciudades opera Caribbean Sprinter?

Caribbean Sprinter opera en Cayo Caulker, Belize City, Cayo Ambergris, San Pedro y Caye Chapel Island

¿Cuál es la información de contacto de Caribbean Sprinter?

Teléfono: +501 620-3566

¿Dónde se encuentra la oficina de Caribbean Sprinter?

La oficina de Caribbean Sprinter se encuentra en 10 N Front St