Huynh Gia - Billetes y reservas en línea

4.5(12 reseñas)


Dirección oficial: 16 Nguyễn Chánh, Lộc Thọ, Thành phố Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa

Viajar con

Huynh Gia

  • Comfortable bus. The pick-up point in Ho Chi Minh is a bit chaotic and it’s good to pay attention which bus is yours, but other than that is a nice and economic experience.

  • (British couple) - We was nervous at first after looking at different company reviews but I can honestly say Huynh Gia was a good experience, don’t be put off with the lack of reviews. We went to the Huynh Gia office the day before to confirm times and we got given our boarding ticket and an earlier time than given originally, so I recommend doing this. On arrival to the bus station it can be hard to find the bus as there are loads, just relax and ask the staff. The Journey itself was actually good, we stopped after about 3 hours for a lunch break/toilet stop, there was a toilet on board but it definitely is more suited for males. I only have a few negatives worth mentioning. Firstly, the seats can be on the shorter side so opt for either the bottom seats or the any of the front 3 as they did seem to be a little longer. The drivers in Vietnam LOVE using their horns so expect that also. We did get dropped off slightly further away from the address mentioned on the website, wasn’t much of an issue but we had to get a taxi which cost us a further 82,000d. So overall, it was better than expected! Bus was clean, driver was friendly & the cheapest way of travelling. We would definitely do it again :)

  • Good overall

  • Good service

  • Good ride on comfy bed

  • Better than expected. Cabins were very comfortable and clean and the driver was great.

Rutas populares de Huynh Gia

let's ride icon
  • 5Cities
  • 12Rutas

Reseñas de nuestros viajeros del viaje con Huynh Gia


Basado en 12 reseñas de usuarios de Bookaway que han viajado con Huynh Gia

Jorge E.

Brandon C.


Lee c.

Hendrik V.

Tus preguntas, Nuestras respuestas

¿Cuánto cuesta un viaje en autobús para Ho Chi Minh (Saigón) hasta Nha Trang?

El precio de un billete de adulto de ida y vuelta en bus a Nha Trang saliendo de Ho Chi Minh (Saigón) es de unos US$9

¿Huynh Gia tiene lavabos a bordo?

¡Huynh Gia cuenta con baños!

¿Hay wifi en Huynh Gia?

La mayoría de las rutas de Huynh Gia tienen wifi a bordo. Te recomendamos que contactes directamente con Huynh Gia para averiguar si la tuya es una de ellas.

¿En necesario que imprima los billetes o Huynh Gia ofrece billetes electrónicos?

Huynh Gia utiliza billetes electrónicos, de manera que no es necesario que los imprimas.

¿En qué ciudades opera Huynh Gia?

Huynh Gia opera en Ho Chi Minh (Saigón), Nha Trang, Cam Ranh, Khanh Hoa y Long Khanh

¿Dónde se encuentra la oficina de Huynh Gia?

La oficina de Huynh Gia se encuentra en 16 Nguyễn Chánh, Lộc Thọ, Thành phố Nha Trang, Khánh Hòa