Mary Cartagena Travel - Billetes y reservas en línea

4.2(26 reseñas)

Mary Cartagena Travel is based in Rosario Islands, Colombia, and provides ferry services from Cartagena to Rosario Islands and Isla Baru and Isla Grande.

Dirección oficial: GETSEMANI, CALLE TRIPITA Y MEDIA, Cra. 10 #31 - 21, Bolívar

Teléfono 1: +57 310 6555905

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Mary Cartagena Travel

  • We left on time. It seems that they tried to put people goinfrer to the dame Hotels on the same boat. Well organized. There were people directing us to the right place upon arriving at the ferry terminal. The sea was calm, nice ride. Nothing got wet.

  • Do not book from here. Port was super super dodgy so we just turned back round and stayed in Cartagena another night. Never ever ever book this - dangerous !

  • Mary travel was great service !! The ride was good. There was a lady at the pier who helped very well👍

  • Aside from some of the vendor chaos prior to arriving to the port, the staff for Mary was helpful and sought us out. They let us know where was more affordable to buy drinks and snacks (before checking into the port) and also administrated the payment for the national park entry. This was a cost in addition to the boat ride. Great service! You do need some patient with the travel times, but it is beyond them when passengers don’t arrive to the dock on time. The best thing is that they will wait for you! That is better than the boat arriving a little late.

  • Staff was very friendly and helpful. It was extremely hot and the port doesn't have fans so you should bring a hand fan (especially if you have kids).

  • Just perfect! In time. Good organisation.

Rutas populares de Mary Cartagena Travel

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  • 7Cities
  • 18Rutas

Reseñas de nuestros viajeros del viaje con Mary Cartagena Travel


Basado en 26 reseñas de usuarios de Bookaway que han viajado con Mary Cartagena Travel

Caroline C.

Ella M.

Niels G.

Jennifer V.

Olga M.

Las estaciones más populares de Mary Cartagena Travel

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Tus preguntas, Nuestras respuestas

¿Cuánto cuesta un viaje en autobús para Isla Grande, Islas del Rosario hasta Cartagena?

El precio de un billete de adulto de ida y vuelta en ferry a Cartagena saliendo de Isla Grande, Islas del Rosario es de unos US$18

¿Mary Cartagena Travel tiene lavabos a bordo?

¡Mary Cartagena Travel no cuenta con baños.

¿Hay wifi en Mary Cartagena Travel?

Mary Cartagena Travel no tiene wifi a bordo en ninguna de sus rutas.

¿En necesario que imprima los billetes o Mary Cartagena Travel ofrece billetes electrónicos?

Mary Cartagena Travel utiliza billetes electrónicos, de manera que no es necesario que los imprimas.

¿En qué ciudades opera Mary Cartagena Travel?

Mary Cartagena Travel opera en Isla Grande, Islas del Rosario, Cartagena, Isla Barú, Playa Blanca, Isla Barú, Isla del Pirata, Isla Marina, Islas del Rosario y Playa Tranquila, Isla Baru

¿Cuál es la información de contacto de Mary Cartagena Travel?

Teléfono: +57 310 6555905

¿Dónde se encuentra la oficina de Mary Cartagena Travel?

La oficina de Mary Cartagena Travel se encuentra en GETSEMANI, CALLE TRIPITA Y MEDIA, Cra. 10 #31 - 21, Bolívar