Siwa Bus - Billetes y reservas en línea

4.5(33 reseñas)

Siwa Bus is based in Cairo, Egypt, and provides shared bus services from Alexandria and Cairo to Siwa.

Dirección oficial: 14 mahmoud bassioni Tahrir Square

Teléfono 1: +20 109 537 1097

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Siwa Bus

  • Our transfer from Cairo to Siwa was absolutely seamless and exceeded expectations. The van was comfortable, clean, and well-maintained, making the long journey enjoyable. The driver was professional, punctual, and ensured a safe and smooth trip. Additionally, the team was very communicative and accommodating throughout the booking process and journey. The only area for improvement is the meeting point in Cairo, which was a bit tricky to locate. Clearer directions or signage would make the experience flawless. Overall, it was an excellent service, and I highly recommend it for anyone traveling to Siwa!

  • The minivan was clean, but very very cold. . . ! (We traveled in December). In addition, they asked us to pay for putting our luggage on the top of the van, even though we have already paid! (We denied). We never felt at risk and the driver made 3 stops, where we could go to the bathroom or eat something. Overall, it was ok!

  • Good bus. Was perfectly on time. But legspace could be better

  • Buses were on time, communication was smooth and the travelling was ok. There is not much space on the seat, but it was bearable.

  • as expected. on time. the van was full. some asian tourists a little bit over taking space. . . . we were on time. . . easy peasy only conecern was not accurate embarking point

  • Perfect Travel with SiwaBus on Time !

Rutas populares de Siwa Bus

let's ride icon
  • 5Cities
  • 10Rutas

Reseñas de nuestros viajeros del viaje con Siwa Bus


Basado en 33 reseñas de usuarios de Bookaway que han viajado con Siwa Bus

Bob T.


Marius B.

Renata N.

Jean B.

Las estaciones más populares de Siwa Bus

Elige una ciudad

Tus preguntas, Nuestras respuestas

¿Cuánto cuesta un viaje en autobús para Siwa hasta Cairo?

El precio de un billete de adulto de ida y vuelta en car a Cairo saliendo de Siwa es de unos US$126

¿Siwa Bus tiene lavabos a bordo?

¡Siwa Bus cuenta con baños!

¿Hay wifi en Siwa Bus?

La mayoría de las rutas de Siwa Bus tienen wifi a bordo. Te recomendamos que contactes directamente con Siwa Bus para averiguar si la tuya es una de ellas.

¿En necesario que imprima los billetes o Siwa Bus ofrece billetes electrónicos?

Siwa Bus utiliza billetes electrónicos, de manera que no es necesario que los imprimas.

¿En qué ciudades opera Siwa Bus?

Siwa Bus opera en Siwa, Cairo, Alejandría, Marsa Matruh: Marsa Matruh y Giza

¿Cuál es la información de contacto de Siwa Bus?

Teléfono: +20 109 537 1097

¿Dónde se encuentra la oficina de Siwa Bus?

La oficina de Siwa Bus se encuentra en 14 mahmoud bassioni Tahrir Square