Thanh Buoi - Billetes y reservas en línea

4.5(89 reseñas)

Thanh Buoi provides sleeping bus services between Ho Chi Minh and Da Lat.

Dirección oficial: 266 Le Hong Phong, Quan 5, 700000

Viajar con

Thanh Buoi

  • We're satisfied with the trip with your bus. One thing, your company should strength the customer consideration education of on-line response staffs and send e-tickets to customers.

  • Bud was great, the only issues were that because we do not speak Thai we did not understand the announcements. There are 2 toilet and food stops, for about 20 mins. Bus is double decker beds, three seats wide with two isles. Beds are fine even for Westerners. Thanh Buoi went bust a while back out bus was by another provider that took over.

  • Good experience

  • Everything is goood my first time experiencing the sleeper bus so it was good

  • Ottimo servizio

  • Ok

Your Guide to Seamless Travel with Thanh Buoi

Finding your ride

Travelers can easily identify their ride or driver as the driver will be dressed in a company uniform and the vehicle will feature the company's branding with colors or name. For pickups at an airport or terminal, travelers should proceed to the specified arrival hall and gate number provided by the operator to meet their driver.

Baggage and special items

  • Bicycles: Bicycles are allowed on board with an additional fee, but passengers should verify the fee in advance with the specific operator.
  • Motorbikes: Motorbikes are allowed on board with an additional fee, which should be confirmed with the operator in advance.

Accessibility and assistance

  • Wheelchair accessibility: Wheelchair access is not allowed.
  • Guide dogs: Guide dogs are not allowed.

Booking and Amendments

Passengers are required to print their tickets, but printing the confirmation email is not necessary.

Onboard Policies

Passengers are not allowed to eat or drink on board.

Pet policies

Pets are not allowed.

Rutas populares de Thanh Buoi

let's ride icon
  • 6Cities
  • 12Rutas

Reseñas de nuestros viajeros del viaje con Thanh Buoi


Basado en 89 reseñas de usuarios de Bookaway que han viajado con Thanh Buoi


Leslie C.

Anjali S.

Shaz A.

simona L.

Tus preguntas, Nuestras respuestas

¿Cuánto cuesta un viaje en autobús para Can Tho hasta Ho Chi Minh (Saigón)?

El precio de un billete de adulto de ida y vuelta en minivan a Ho Chi Minh (Saigón) saliendo de Can Tho es de unos US$19

¿Thanh Buoi tiene lavabos a bordo?

¡Thanh Buoi cuenta con baños!

¿Hay wifi en Thanh Buoi?

La mayoría de las rutas de Thanh Buoi tienen wifi a bordo. Te recomendamos que contactes directamente con Thanh Buoi para averiguar si la tuya es una de ellas.

¿En necesario que imprima los billetes o Thanh Buoi ofrece billetes electrónicos?

Thanh Buoi utiliza billetes electrónicos, de manera que no es necesario que los imprimas.

¿En qué ciudades opera Thanh Buoi?

Thanh Buoi opera en Ho Chi Minh (Saigón), Da Lat, Can Tho, Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa y Dong Nai

¿Dónde se encuentra la oficina de Thanh Buoi?

La oficina de Thanh Buoi se encuentra en 266 Le Hong Phong, Quan 5, 700000