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En savoir plus sur Big C Ninh Binh

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    Big C Ninh Binh

    Aller à Big C Ninh Binh

    BigC Ninh Binh is located on the main road and has a huge green banner. You can also recognize the building according to the sign of the Lotte Cinema sign written in red. Customers should stand on the main road so they can see the passing busses, as there isn't a designated bus station, buses pick customers up from the side of the road. .

    Adresse:  Big C Ninh Binh, Trần Nhân Tông, Ninh Phú, Ninh Bình, Vietnam

Stations alentours

  • Ninh Binh Train Station

  • Ninh Binh Railway Station

  • Viet Nhat Hotel

station location

Vos questions, Nos réponses

Quelle est la meilleure façon de se rendre à Big C Ninh Binh ?

Vous trouverez ici l'itinéraire à partir de votre emplacement actuel : https://www.google.com/maps/dir//Big C Ninh Binh, Trần Nhân Tông, Ninh Phú, Ninh Bình, Vietnam

Quelles autres stations sont proches de Big C Ninh Binh ?

Ninh Binh Train Station  est à 3 km de Big C Ninh BinhNinh Binh Railway Station  est à 3 km de Big C Ninh Binh