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Altre informazioni su Dalat Interprovincial Bus station

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    Dalat Interprovincial Bus station

    In arrivo a Dalat Interprovincial Bus station

    Dalat Interprovincial Bus station is the main and biggest bus station in Dalat city. It is a 10 minute drive from the city center (3km) and is very easy to recognize by it's big green sigh "Ben Xe Lien Tinh Da Lat". During weekends and holidays the station is very crowded, as many local people from other cities visit to Dalat, so we recommend to buy your ticket online.

    Indirizzo:  1 Đường Tô Hiến Thành, Phường 3, Thành phố Đà Lạt, Lâm Đồng, Vietnam

Stazioni nelle vicinanze

  • 6 Lu Gia, Da Lat

  • 6 Lu Gia (Thanh Buoi office)

  • Xinh Xinh Da Lat

station location

Le tue, Le nostre

Qual è il modo migliore per arrivare a Dalat Interprovincial Bus station?

Quali altre stazioni sono vicine a Dalat Interprovincial Bus station?

6 Lu Gia, Da Lat  è distante 3 Km da Dalat Interprovincial Bus station6 Lu Gia (Thanh Buoi office)  è distante 3 Km da Dalat Interprovincial Bus station