Camel Travel - チケットとオンライン予約

3.1(46 レビュー)

Camel Travelはハノイに拠点を置き、ハノイとフォンニャ、フエ、ダナン、ホイアンの間の海岸に沿って半寝台バスを運行しています。

公式住所: 459 Trần Khát Chân

電話 1: +84 (0)24 8585 0555

電話 2: (+84)965191323


Camel Travel

  • This is an original trip with beautiful landscape and special stops We recommend without hesitation

  • We were hesitent to book a bus trip with Camel Travel due to the many negative reviews, but our trip was fine. The bus departed on time and was only about 15 minutes late on arrival (we drove from Hoi An to Hue). Comfortable seats and a good driver. Only “negative” would be that there was little communication, so there was some confusion on where to get off the bus and we got off on a different spot in Hue than our booking stated (was only 1 km away, so no problem).

  • Good value. Thanks.

  • El bus super nuevo, con tele y cargadores en cada sitio. Trayecto movido de Hoi An a Hue, pero solo fueron 3 horas. Me desconcierta que iba gente en el pasillo, sin asiento asignado.

  • The communication AMX service was excellent. Only 4 stars, because short term booking Willis risky. They need 24hs to confirm or reject your booking request, because bookaway contacts the service. If you book 2 days in advance, this is a safe and easy way to book your travel 😊👌

  • Okay

Your Guide to Seamless Travel with Camel Travel

Finding your ride

  • General pickup information: Travelers can easily find their ride or driver as the driver will be wearing a company uniform and the vehicle will feature the company’s colors and name. Additionally, assistance is available at the company's counter or ticket office.
  • Pickup delay: There is no airport service provided, and for shared airport pickups, if the flight is delayed, you cannot take the next bus or minivan.

Baggage and special items

  • Bicycles: Bicycles can be brought on board without an additional fee; however, passengers should check with the supplier before the departure date/time to confirm space availability.
  • Motorbikes: Motorbikes are allowed on board without an additional fee. However, passengers must verify with the supplier before departure to confirm space availability for the motorbike.

Accessibility and assistance

  • Wheelchair accessibility: Wheelchair access is not allowed.
  • Guide dogs: Guide dogs are not allowed.

Booking and Amendments

  • Name Changes: Name changes after booking approval are permitted without any fee.
  • E-Tickets: Passengers do not need to print their tickets or confirmation emails.

Onboard Policies

Passengers are allowed to eat and drink on board.

Pet policies

Pets are not allowed.

Camel Travel の人気ルート

let's ride icon
  • 15Cities
  • 129ルート

Camel Travel での乗車に関する旅行者のレビュー


Camel Travel で旅行したBookawayユーザーからの 46 件のレビューに基づく

Florent O.

Kelly R.

Julia C.

Lidia G.

Linda S.

あなたの 質問, 私たちの 答え



Camel Travelの中にトイレはありますか?

Camel Travelは中にトイレがあります!

Camel TravelにWi-Fiはありますか?

Camel Travelの多くは中にWi-Fiがあります。Camel Travelに直接連絡して、ご自分が利用する便にも設置されているどうか確認することをおすすめします。

自分でチケットを印刷する必要はありますか、それともCamel Travelは電子チケットを発行していますか?

Camel Travelは電子チケットがあるため、ご自分でチケットを印刷する必要はありません。

Camel Travelはどの都市で営業していますか?

Camel Travelはニンビン、ハノイ、フエ、ダナン、ホイアン、Phong Nha、ビン、フォンニャ-ケバン国立公園、ドンホイ、タインホア、タムコック、Quang Nam、Ha Tinh、Nghe An、ドンハで営業しています

Camel Travelの連絡先はどれですか?

電話:+84 (0)24 8585 0555

Camel Travelの事務所はどこですか?

Camel Travelの事務所は459 Trần Khát Chânにあります