Magic Travel - チケットとオンライン予約

4.7(42 レビュー)

Magic Travel is based in Panajachel, Guatemala, and provides both private and shared minivan services in Guatemala and Mexico.

公式住所: PRVV H5X

電話 1: +502 56911916, +502 32570040, +573204751355


Magic Travel

  • When I booked my ride from Monterrico to Panajachel it didn’t mention anywhere that the trip was to take 2 days. They took me from Monterrico to Antigua. I had to get a hotel room for the night and continue next day to Panajachel . However, I should acknowledge that a driver came to fetch me from both hotels and they were very courteous and helpful. Same, for the shuttle driver to Antigua, he made sure to leave safe and sound at the hote. Bookway, should clarify his routes so more travellers will not be frustrated and unhappy to spend more money on hitels

  • They were accommodating step of the way and were communicative throughout. Staff were so friendly and I was never worried even though I had some hiccups on my end, which were of my own circumstances. Will definitely use Magic Travel again!!

  • The driver, Gabriel, was excellent. He was very pleasant, drove well and put on beautiful music on the way! The car was very clean!

  • The driver was patient and the ride went smoothly. I would definitely recommend this company and use their services, again.

  • Thank you

  • Good ride, on time, 1 break, recommend it

Magic Travel の人気ルート

let's ride icon
  • 15Cities
  • 47ルート

Magic Travel での乗車に関する旅行者のレビュー


Magic Travel で旅行したBookawayユーザーからの 42 件のレビューに基づく

Carmen T.

Hugo S.

Shosh M.

Jasmine R.

Luisa Z.

Magic Travelの代表的な駅


あなたの 質問, 私たちの 答え

Magic Travelの中にトイレはありますか?

Magic Travelは中にトイレがあります!

Magic TravelにWi-Fiはありますか?

Magic Travelの多くは中にWi-Fiがあります。Magic Travelに直接連絡して、ご自分が利用する便にも設置されているどうか確認することをおすすめします。

自分でチケットを印刷する必要はありますか、それともMagic Travelは電子チケットを発行していますか?

Magic Travelは電子チケットがあるため、ご自分でチケットを印刷する必要はありません。

Magic Travelはどの都市で営業していますか?

Magic Travelはグアテマラ、アンティグア、Panajachel, Lake Atitlan、アティトラン湖、El Paredon、Monterrico、San Agustin Lanquin、San Cristobal de las Casas、Leon、San Marcos La Laguna、San Pedro La Laguna、Quetzaltenango (Xela)、Lanquin、Antigua Guatemala、Leónで営業しています

Magic Travelの連絡先はどれですか?

電話:+502 56911916, +502 32570040, +573204751355

Magic Travelの事務所はどこですか?

Magic Travelの事務所はPRVV H5Xにあります