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Cairo에서 Luxor까지의 여행 일정 옵션
Cairo에서 Luxor까지 운행 정보
기차로 Cairo에서Luxor까지
시작 가격: US$76
하루 89번 출발 또는 주623번 출발
이 여정에는 Second Class Spanish Express, First Class Spanish Express, VIP Special Express, Second Class Special Express, First Class Special Express, Private Sleeping Cabin, 일등석 and 2 등석
을 비롯하여 8의 여행 클래스가 있습니다.
Booking process through bookaway was very straight forward.
I had one question on my booking that i asked online and i received a personalized answer in.less than 1 hour.
As my specific booking (sleeper train from Cairo to Luxor) required an actual paper ticket, I had to collect it at the train station. Again the communication with the agent was fast and accurate and we collect our tickets very easily.
All good!
The train ride itself is good: noisy and shaking as.expected, but very comfortable sleeper cabin and a very nice agent to assist you during the trip.
Our experience with bookaway was great. The booking was simple, paying too.
The ticket for the train Cairo to Luxor was ready to pick up in Ramses station. The reell ticket was a small blue paper with arabic signs. For our information only the number of the traincarriage and the seats.
But, take enough time in Ramses station! The man, who had the ticket isn't easy to find. Ask at the information!
We did not take the train on Ramses station, but on Giza Station. It is very simple, because there is only one track. A little money helps anyway.
The train itself was no european 1.class! But the legs had enough space, the suitcases too.
A man with a trolley sells something to drink and from time to time he offered something to eat.
The toilet is a problem, especially for women. Don't forget disinfectant wipes.
The arriving time on bookaway is wrong!! Not 16:15pm, it's impossible!
The train startet in Cairo at 8 am and arrives in Luxor at 7 pm. Our train was punctual, very good.
Train was pretty good. It was on time. It's impossible to sleep on the train because they keep the lights on and that's probably for safety reasons but other than that it's nice. You can charge your phone and order some food for 165 pounds. However know that you are paying 25% more if you just went to the station and bought the same ticket there.
Bookaway.com을 사용하면 버스, 기차, 페리 등을 통한 도시 간 이동 티켓을 쉽고 간단하게 찾아 비교하고, 구매할 수 있습니다. 우리는 모든 사람이 원하는 티켓을 쉽게 찾고 구매할 수 있어야 한다고 믿기에 전 세계적으로 13개 이상의 언어와 23개 통화를 지원합니다. 우리의 목표는 단순히 여행자가 목적지에 도착하는 것이 아니라 여정을 즐기실 수 있도록 돕는 것입니다.