Jacamar Naturalist Tour - 티켓 및 온라인 예약

4.9(17 리뷰)

Jacamar는 코스타리카 북부에 본사를 둔 회사로 다양한 관광 관련 서비스를 제공하기 위해 노력하고 있으며, 대부분은 Arenal 지역 ' 의 세계적으로 유명한 관광 명소와 관련이 있습니다.

공식 주소: South Side of the Catholic Church, La Fortuna, San Carlos,

전화번호 1: 1-800-7196377

이용한 업체

Jacamar Naturalist Tour

  • Very responsible driver. Very friendly.

  • I had a great experience. Unfortunately I don't remember my driver's name now, but he was at the airport with a paper sign waiting for me and super friendly, He was happy for me to stop for a cigarette in the smoking area before we headed off and stopped at a good road-side soda/shop about half-way along the route. It's a long drive, especially with the traffic near the airport, but it was comfortable and I felt safe the whole time. He was a great driver, and he even gave me a heads-up for when the most windy parts of the route were coming up. CR has windy roads with lots of changes in gradient, so if you get travel sick, be sure to bring something with you to help!

  • Very good experience

  • Would highly recommend. Alvaro arrived in advance, was very professional and drove safely. The van was very big and clean with bottle of water available and AC

  • We are really happy with our ride with book away! There was WiFi, water and the driver was wonderful! We are super thankful that we were able to book so last minute as well, we booked at 9pm and left at 9:30 am the next day!

  • Right on-time and very safe/courteous driver!

Your Guide to Seamless Travel with Jacamar Naturalist Tour

Language and communication

Languages spoken by the staff include English at both the counter and by the driver.

Finding your ride

  • General pickup information: Travelers can easily identify their ride or driver as the driver will be wearing a company uniform and waiting with a sign displaying the passenger's name. Additionally, the vehicle will feature the company's branding and colors. For airport or terminal pickups, travelers should head to the designated company counter or ticket office.
  • Pickup delay: For shared airport pickups, if the flight is delayed, passengers can take the next bus or minivan without any additional charge. For private airport pickups, the driver will wait for passengers who are delayed.

Baggage and special items

Bicycles are not allowed on board.

Accessibility and assistance

  • Wheelchair accessibility: Wheelchair-accessible vehicles are not allowed.
  • Traveler aid: Travelers with a mobile or visual handicap can bring an assistant at no additional charge.

Booking and Amendments

  • Name Changes: Passengers can change their name after a booking has been approved. An amendment fee may apply for name changes, and there may be a deadline before travel by which changes must be made.
  • E-Tickets: Passengers are not required to print their tickets or confirmation emails.

Onboard Policies

Passengers are allowed to eat and drink on board.

Pet policies

Pets are not allowed.

Jacamar Naturalist Tour의 인기 노선

let's ride icon
  • 21Cities
  • 90노선

Jacamar Naturalist Tour을(를) 이용한 여행객 리뷰


Jacamar Naturalist Tour을(를) 통해 여행한 Bookaway 사용자의 17개 리뷰 기반

Heinrich N.

Sophie B.

Glenn C.

Marine D.

Anna B.

Jacamar Naturalist Tour의 최고 인기 정류장

도시 선택

귀하의 질문, 저희의 답변

산타 테레사에서 산호세까지에서 버스 교통편 요금은 얼마인가요?

산타 테레사에서 출발하는 산호세행 minivan의 왕복 여행 티켓 성인 요금은 약 US$57입니다

Jacamar Naturalist Tour의 교통편에는 화장실이 있나요?

Jacamar Naturalist Tour 내부에 화장실이 없습니다.

Jacamar Naturalist Tour에서는 Wi-Fi가 제공되나요?

Jacamar Naturalist Tour에서는 교통편에서 Wi-Fi가 제공되지 않습니다.

티켓을 인쇄해야 하나요, 아니면 Jacamar Naturalist Tour에서 전자 티켓을 제공하나요?

Jacamar Naturalist Tour에서는 전자 티켓을 제공하므로, 티켓을 인쇄하실 필요가 없습니다.

Jacamar Naturalist Tour(이)가 사업 중인 도시는 어디인가요?

Jacamar Naturalist Tour(은)는 산타 테레사, 산호세, 라 포르투나, 푸에르토 비에 호 데 탈라 만카, 마누엘 안토니오, 타마린도, 자코, 몬테 버드, 플라 야 몬테 주마, 라이베리아, Alajuela, 푼타 우바, 카후 이타, Playa Hermosa, Puntarenas Province, 플라 야 허 모사 코바 노, 플라 야 아벨라 나, 케 포스, 만사 니요, Nosara, 말 파이스 및 플라 야 기오 네스에서 사업 중입니다

Jacamar Naturalist Tour의 연락처 정보는 무엇인가요?

전화: 1-800-7196377

Jacamar Naturalist Tour의 사무실은 어디에 있나요?

Jacamar Naturalist Tour의 사무실은 South Side of the Catholic Church, La Fortuna, San Carlos,에 있습니다