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Meer over Cebu Pier 1

  • 3
    Cebu Pier 1

    Route naar Cebu Pier 1

    Cebu Pier 1 is located along the Fort San Pedro and Cebu Independence Plaza. It is the busiest pier in Cebu, with the biggest number of passengers traveling through it. Inside the terminal you will find a seating area, food stands and restroom for the use of passengers.

    Adres:  Cebu Pier 1, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines

Stations in de buurt

  • Cebu Pier 3

  • Port of Cebu Passenger Terminal 2 (Pier 3)

  • Cebu Pier 3 Ferry Terminal

station location

Jouw vragen, Onze antwoorden

Wat is de beste manier om bij Cebu Pier 1 te komen?

U vindt de richtingsaanwijzingen vanaf uw huidige bestemming hier: https://www.google.com/maps/dir//Cebu Pier 1, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines

Welke andere stations zijn in de buurt van Cebu Pier 1?

Cebu Pier 3  is 584 meter vanaf Cebu Pier 1Port of Cebu Passenger Terminal 2 (Pier 3)  is 590 meter vanaf Cebu Pier 1