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Meer over HAV Travel office

  • HAV Travel office

    Route naar HAV Travel office

    HAV Travel office is located on the left side of 445 Hai Phong street, which is the same building as HN LUXURY Electronics store.

    Adres:  445 Hai Phong, Thanh Khê, Da Nang, Vietnam

Stations in de buurt

  • Da Nang Visitor Center

  • Outside Phuc Lam Hotel

  • Stop and Go Hostel

station location

Jouw vragen, Onze antwoorden

Wat is de beste manier om bij HAV Travel office te komen?

U vindt de richtingsaanwijzingen vanaf uw huidige bestemming hier: https://www.google.com/maps/dir//445 Hai Phong, Thanh Khê, Da Nang, Vietnam

Welke andere stations zijn in de buurt van HAV Travel office?

Da Nang Visitor Center  is 2 km vanaf HAV Travel officeOutside Phuc Lam Hotel  is 2 km vanaf HAV Travel office