About the ride from Cusco to Arequipa
You can travel to Arequipa from Cusco by road, rail or air. Over land, the distance is 508 kilometers (316 miles) whereas if you're flying it's 324 kilometers (201 miles). It's obviously going to be a lot quicker to fly but seeing that Andean scenery at ground level is well worth an additional ten hours.
Traveling by bus from Cusco to Arequipa is the most popular mode of transport. There are three bus types making the route: Tourist, VIP and 130 Reclining Seats. Each offers a comfortable and air-conditioned ride as well as an opportunity to meet other travelers along the way.
If you are opting for the bus service between Cusco and Arequipa you'll need to depart from Terminal Terrestre de Cusco at a set time. Buses leave throughout the day and the sleeper bus takes you through the night. This can be a good way to save your Sol as you don't have to spend money on an additional night's accommodation.
Buses are modern and include reclining seats, electronic charger points, air conditioning and TVs. You'll also get a free blanket thrown in to combat the air conditioning and it's a good idea to bring your own eye mask, neck support and ear plugs to ensure a restful ride.
Most buses will have a small basket where you can buy snacks and bottled water. There will also be a bathroom on board although you will make rest stops if you'd prefer a service station's facilities.
What to see when traveling from Cusco to Arequipa
The bus ride from Cusco to Arequipa will take you southwards via Route 34A. This is the conventional way to travel between the two cities and includes stops for tolls and at service stations. Make sure you take the chance to stretch your legs and keep hydrated.
It's all downhill from Cusco although it's advisable to have acclimatized to the high altitude for at least a couple of days before you set off for Arequipa. Also, give yourself at least an hour at Terminal Terrestre de Cusco station before the bus is due to depart.
What you'll see when traveling by bus from Cusco to Arequipa depends on your departure time. Although the highway is vehicle heavy there are several scenic points along the way that are worth staying awake for.
The Andean landscapes of Salinas & Aguada Blanca National Reserve, just outside Arequipa, are an absolute picture at sunrise. And if you get a chance to see the volcanic peaks shrouded in early morning mist then you'll know you're doing something right.
Train travel from Cusco to Arequipa is a really scenic option and well worth the additional Sol. First class cabins turn the travel experience into something really magical. If you're looking for romance on the rails then this is certain to get your vote.
If you're in a hurry, you can also fly from Cusco to Arequipa. You'll still get to see the Andean plateau, on a clear day, but from a whole new bird's eye perspective.
How to get to Arequipa from Cusco
Taking a bus
The bus service providers between Arequipa and Cuso are Oltursa, Cruz del Sur and Transzela. All offer comfortable, air-conditioned buses with reclining seats and onboard bathrooms. There are a total of six tourist buses leaving Cusco for Arequipa each day, including overnight sleeper buses.
The distance from Cusco to Arequipa is 508 kilometers (316 miles) and buses take just over ten hours to complete the journey. It's a straightforward long distance trip and you'll find free blankets on board as well as a small selection of local snacks and bottled water.
All buses have reclining seats and prices start from US$24 for a Tourist bus and around US$34 for a slightly more deluxe 140 Reclining Seats bus. Bus travel is a great way to meet fellow travelers in Peru and also offers an affordable option if you're hoping to save your Sol.
Taking a private car or minivan
Traveling to Arequipa from Cusco by taxi or minivan is a more expensive alternative to bus travel. You will, however, have more privacy and you'll also know the people that you're traveling with. Drivers will also be able to point out a few sights along the way.
Another benefit of taking a private car or minivan to Arequipa from Cusco is that you decide where you leave from and at what time. This can be really handy if you need to make a connecting flight home or if you just don't like waiting around at bus stations.
Private vehicles are always air-conditioned and have comfortable seats. The ride will be slightly faster than a bus although it's wise to make sure that your driver has planned to take plenty of rest stops along the way.
Taking a train
Traveling by train in Peru is more than simply a means of getting from A to B. The romance of rail travel is alive and well with some majestic Andean landscapes to be seen from your window. This is a really relaxing way to travel and also gives you a chance to meet local Peruvians as part of the trip.
Train travel from Cusco to Arequipa can also be taken at night. There's nothing more exciting than bedding down in a cozy cabin as you trundle along in the dark across the Andean plateau. Waking to the sights of Salinas y Aguada Blanca National Reserve is something to truly savor.
Taking a flight
Flying from Cusco to Arequipa is the best way to travel if you want to spend more time on the ground and less time on the road or riding the rails. It's 324 kilometers (201 miles) to fly direct to Arequipa airport from Cusco which takes about an hour in the air.
Peruvian Air is a reputable airline although tickets don't come cheap.