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More about Hue Train Station

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    Hue Train Station

    Getting to Hue Train Station

    Hue Train Station is a red-brick building with the station name, Ga Huế, above the main entrance. The booking office is in the main building with 2 waiting rooms on either side and a 3rd waiting room in a separate building.

    Address:  Hue Train Station, Bùi Thị Xuân, Phường Đúc, Thành phố Huế, Huế, Vietnam

Nearby stations

  • Go! Huế

  • Vicoland Apartment complex

  • Viet Nam Locals, Hue

station location

Companies operating at Hue Train Station

Your questions, Our answers

What are the most popular places I can go to from Hue Train Station?

Da Nang is the most popular place to go from Hue. It takes 2h 31m to get there. Hanoi is the second most popular place to go from Hue. It takes 13h 30m to get there.

What is the best way to get to Hue Train Station?

What other stations are near Hue Train Station?

Go! Huế  is 2 KM away from Hue Train StationVicoland Apartment complex  is 3 KM away from Hue Train Station