The distance between Kathmandu and Pokhara is 89 miles, or approximately 142 kilometers.There are 4 ways to get from Kathmandu to Pokhara, including bus, car, minivan, and flight.The earliest departure leaves at 00:15 and has a duration of 16 hours.
Kathmandu to Pokhara by bus
There are 2 travel classes for this journey, including: VIP Sofa Seater and Tourist.
Kathmandu to Pokhara by minivan
The only travel class available is Standard.
Kathmandu to Pokhara by car
There are 2 travel classes for this journey, including: Jeep and Standard.
The distance between Pokhara and Kathmandu is 89 miles, or approximately 142 kilometers.There are 4 ways to get from Pokhara to Kathmandu, including bus, car, minivan, and flight.The earliest departure leaves at 01:15 and has a duration of 8 hours.
Pokhara to Kathmandu by bus
There are 2 travel classes for this journey, including: VIP Sofa Seater and Tourist.
Pokhara to Kathmandu by minivan
The only travel class available is Standard.
Pokhara to Kathmandu by car
There are 2 travel classes for this journey, including: Jeep and Standard.
The distance between Kathmandu and Sauraha is 50 miles, or approximately 80 kilometers.There are 4 ways to get from Kathmandu to Sauraha, including bus, car, minivan, and flight.The earliest departure leaves at 02:15 and has a duration of 25 minutes.
Kathmandu to Sauraha by minivan
The only travel class available is Standard.
Kathmandu to Sauraha by car
There are 2 travel classes for this journey, including: Jeep and Standard.
Kathmandu to Sauraha by bus
There are 2 travel classes for this journey, including: Tourist and Deluxe.
The distance between Sonauli and Kathmandu is 114 miles, or approximately 183 kilometers.There are 1 ways to get from Sonauli to Kathmandu, including bus.The earliest departure leaves at 04:30 and has a duration of 8 hours 15 minutes.
Sonauli to Kathmandu by bus
The only travel class available is VIP Sofa Seater.
The distance between Ratnanagar and Pokhara is 54 miles, or approximately 86 kilometers.There are 1 ways to get from Ratnanagar to Pokhara, including bus.The earliest departure leaves at 01:45 and has a duration of 5 hours.
Ratnanagar to Pokhara by bus
The only travel class available is Premium Sofa Seat.
Baba Adventure Travels & Tours's most popular stations
Choose a city
Tourist Bus StopTourist Bus Stop, Nayabazar 16, Kathmandu 44600, Nepal
How much does a bus ride cost from Kathmandu to Pokhara?
The cost of a bus ride for a roundtrip adult ticket to Pokhara leaving from Kathmandu is around US$6
Do Baba Adventure Travels & Tours have toilets on board?
Baba Adventure Travels & Tours do not have toilets on board.
Is there Wi-Fi on Baba Adventure Travels & Tours?
Baba Adventure Travels & Tours does not have Wi-Fi on board their rides.
Do I need to print my ticket or does Baba Adventure Travels & Tours offer e-tickets?
Baba Adventure Travels & Tours has e-tickets so you don’t need to print your tickets.
Which cities does Baba Adventure Travels & Tours operate in?
Baba Adventure Travels & Tours operates in Kathmandu, Pokhara, Chitwan National Park, Chitwan, Butwal, Bhairahawa (Siddharthanagar), Bharatpur, Sonauli, Sauraha, and Ratnanagar
What is Baba Adventure Travels & Tours’s contact information?
Phone: +977-9851084541
Where is the Baba Adventure Travels & Tours office?
Baba Adventure Travels & Tours’s office is located at Baba Adventure Travels and Tours Pvt Ltd, 44600