The distance between Dodoma and Dar es Salaam is 244 miles, or approximately 390 kilometers.There are 3 ways to get from Dodoma to Dar es Salaam, including minivan, bus, and train.The earliest departure leaves at 05:00 and has a duration of 6 hours.
The distance between Dar es Salaam and Dodoma is 244 miles, or approximately 390 kilometers.There are 3 ways to get from Dar es Salaam to Dodoma, including minivan, bus, and train.The earliest departure leaves at 04:00 and has a duration of 7 hours.
The distance between Tanga and Arusha is 206 miles, or approximately 329 kilometers.There are 2 ways to get from Tanga to Arusha, including bus and minivan.There are no morning departures for this route. The Earliest departure leaves at 21:00 and has a duration of 7 hours.
The distance between Arusha and Tanga is 206 miles, or approximately 329 kilometers.There are 2 ways to get from Arusha to Tanga, including bus and minivan.There are no morning departures for this route. The Earliest departure leaves at 21:00 and has a duration of 7 hours.
The distance between Dar es Salaam and Kondoa is 264 miles, or approximately 423 kilometers.There are 1 ways to get from Dar es Salaam to Kondoa, including bus.