The distance between Hanoi and Ha Giang is 123 miles, or approximately 196 kilometers.There are 3 ways to get from Hanoi to Ha Giang, including bus, car, and minivan.There are no morning departures for this route. The Earliest departure leaves at 17:30 and has a duration of 5 hours 30 minutes.
The distance between Ha Giang and Hanoi is 123 miles, or approximately 196 kilometers.There are 3 ways to get from Ha Giang to Hanoi, including bus, car, and minivan.There are no morning departures for this route. The Earliest departure leaves at 17:30 and has a duration of 5 hours 30 minutes.
The distance between Sapa and Halong Bay is 229 miles, or approximately 366 kilometers.There are 3 ways to get from Sapa to Halong Bay, including car, bus, and minivan.There are no morning departures for this route. The Earliest departure leaves at 21:30 and has a duration of 7 hours 30 minutes.
Sapa to Halong Bay by bus
There are 2 travel classes for this journey, including: Sleeping and VIP Cabin.
The distance between Halong Bay and Sapa is 229 miles, or approximately 366 kilometers.There are 3 ways to get from Halong Bay to Sapa, including car, bus, and minivan.There are no morning departures for this route. The Earliest departure leaves at 20:30 and has a duration of 10 hours.
Halong Bay to Sapa by bus
There are 2 travel classes for this journey, including: Sleeping and VIP Cabin.
The distance between Ha Giang and Halong Bay is 185 miles, or approximately 296 kilometers.There are 1 ways to get from Ha Giang to Halong Bay, including bus.There are no morning departures for this route. The Earliest departure leaves at 23:00 and has a duration of 10 hours.
Ha Giang to Halong Bay by bus
There are 2 travel classes for this journey, including: Sleeping and VIP Cabin.
The Anh Transport's most popular stations
Choose a city
Ha Long Bay TravelHa Long Bay Travel, 9 Kỳ Quan, Bãi Cháy, Thành phố Hạ Long, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam
Ket Doan Bus - SapaKet Doan Travel, 599 Đường Điện Biên Phủ, TT. Sa Pa, Sa Pa, Lào Cai, Vietnam
18a Anh Dao18a Anh Đào, Bãi Cháy, Hạ Long, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam
How much does a bus ride cost from Hanoi to Ha Giang?
The cost of a bus ride for a roundtrip adult ticket to Ha Giang leaving from Hanoi is around US$9
Do The Anh Transport have toilets on board?
The Anh Transport do have toilets on board!
Is there Wi-Fi on The Anh Transport?
Most of the The Anh Transport rides have Wi-Fi on board. We recommend reaching out directly to The Anh Transport to find out if your ride is one of those rides.
Do I need to print my ticket or does The Anh Transport offer e-tickets?
The Anh Transport has e-tickets so you don’t need to print your tickets.
Which cities does The Anh Transport operate in?
The Anh Transport operates in Hanoi, Ha Giang, Sapa, Halong Bay, and Lai Chau
What is The Anh Transport’s contact information?
Phone: +84834839898
Where is the The Anh Transport office?
The Anh Transport’s office is located at Tân Phong, Lai Châu