The distance between Halong Bay and Ha Giang is 185 miles, or approximately 296 kilometers.There are 1 ways to get from Halong Bay to Ha Giang, including bus.The earliest departure leaves at 01:30 and has a duration of 10 hours 20 minutes.
Halong Bay to Ha Giang by bus
The only travel class available is Sleeping.
The New Way Travel's most popular stations
Choose a city
Mike's Travel AgencyMike's Travel Agency, Tam Coc Rd, Ninh Hải, Hoa Lư, Ninh Bình, Vietnam
18a Anh Dao18a Anh Đào, Bãi Cháy, Hạ Long, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam
How much does a bus ride cost from Halong Bay to Ha Giang?
The cost of a bus ride for a roundtrip adult ticket to Ha Giang leaving from Halong Bay is around US$17
Do The New Way Travel have toilets on board?
The New Way Travel do not have toilets on board.
Is there Wi-Fi on The New Way Travel?
The New Way Travel does not have Wi-Fi on board their rides.
Do I need to print my ticket or does The New Way Travel offer e-tickets?
The New Way Travel has e-tickets so you don’t need to print your tickets.
Which cities does The New Way Travel operate in?
The New Way Travel operates in Ninh Binh, Halong Bay, Sapa, Ha Giang, and Mu Cang Chai
What is The New Way Travel’s contact information?
Phone: 0979921506
Where is the The New Way Travel office?
The New Way Travel’s office is located at 166 Duong Hau Can, Bai Chay, Thanh pho Ha Long
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