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关于Hon Gai High School的更多信息

  • 2
    Hon Gai High School

    到达Hon Gai High School

    Hon Gai High School is a public school in Halong city center. Passengers need to wait for their pick up outside the main gate. The school name appears above the main gate.

    地址:  Hon Gai High School, 251 Nguyễn Văn Cừ, Hồng Hải, Thành phố Hạ Long, Quảng Ninh, Vietnam


  • Halong Travel office

  • KFC Halong - Duong 18

  • Hung Doc office Halong Bay

station location

您的 问题, 我们的 答案

前往Hon Gai High School的最佳路线是?

Hon Gai High School附近的其他车站有哪些?

Halong Travel office  与Hon Gai High School的距离为488 米KFC Halong - Duong 18  与Hon Gai High School的距离为986 米