Jomalia Shipping - 티켓 및 온라인 예약

4.5(88 리뷰)

Jomalia Shipping은 2004년에 시작한 해양 운송 회사입니다. 이 회사는 필리핀에서 배, 로로선 및 고속 페리를 운항합니다. 이 회사는 15년의 넘는 경력을 보유하며 안전하고 높은 기준의 편안한 선박 교통편을 제공하는 것으로 유명합니다.

공식 주소: Albano Street, Cebu, Philippines

전화번호 1: +639188887818

이용한 업체

Jomalia Shipping

  • I have used Book O Way during our Philippine trip to get ferry tickets. Very easy to use and saves me time and steps.

  • Pleasant trip, calm seas

  • The shio was very clean and confortable. The check in was little anoying , you need to have your bording pass printed. And to do that you have to go to an office 200 m away. Our ship arrived to Coron 1 hour later

  • Beautiful sail full of flying fish and dolphins. Few people feeling the effects of the rolling South China Sea. Get up on the deck and look out to sea.

  • Very comfortable ferry

  • Excellent

Your Guide to Seamless Travel with Jomalia Shipping

Language and communication

Both the counter staff and the drivers are proficient in English to assist travelers effectively.

Finding your ride

Trav recover their driver or vehicle, as it is distinctly branded with the company's name and colors for easy identification.

Baggage and special items

  • Bicycles: Bicycles can be brought on board for an additional fee, which should be paid at the terminal upon check-in.
  • Motorbikes: Motorbikes are allowed on board for an additional fee, which should be paid at the terminal upon check-in.

Accessibility and assistance

  • Wheelchair accessibility: Wheelchair accessibility is provided on all vehicles.
  • Guide dogs: Guide dogs are allowed to board and sit with visually impaired travelers.
  • Traveler aid: No additional charge for those traveling with someone who has a mobile or visual handicap.

Booking and Amendments

  • Name Changes: Name changes after booking approval are permitted. There is a 20% amendment fee charged if the name change is done before the departure, and a 50% fee if done after the departure.
  • E-Tickets: Passengers are required to print both their ticket and confirmation email before boarding.

Onboard Policies

Passengers are allowed to eat and drink on board.

Pet policies

Pets are allowed on board if the passenger presents a Quaraintine Permit and ensures they are properly caged. There is an additional fee for bringing pets, which is to be paid upon arrival at the terminal during check-in. Pets must be kept in a cage while on board.

Jomalia Shipping의 인기 노선

let's ride icon
  • 7Cities
  • 10노선

Jomalia Shipping을(를) 이용한 여행객 리뷰


Jomalia Shipping을(를) 통해 여행한 Bookaway 사용자의 88개 리뷰 기반

Leslie L.

Craig H.

Maria B.

Louis G.

Seow O.

Jomalia Shipping의 최고 인기 정류장

도시 선택

귀하의 질문, 저희의 답변

코론에서 엘니도까지에서 버스 교통편 요금은 얼마인가요?

코론에서 출발하는 엘니도행 ferry의 왕복 여행 티켓 성인 요금은 약 US$38입니다

Jomalia Shipping의 교통편에는 화장실이 있나요?

Jomalia Shipping의 교통편에는 화장실이 있습니다!

Jomalia Shipping에서는 Wi-Fi가 제공되나요?

Jomalia Shipping의 대부분 교통편에는 Wi-Fi가 탑재되어 있습니다. Jomalia Shipping에 직접 문의하여 귀하가 이용할 교통편이 이에 해당하는지 확인하시는 것이 좋습니다.

티켓을 인쇄해야 하나요, 아니면 Jomalia Shipping에서 전자 티켓을 제공하나요?

Jomalia Shipping에서는 전자 티켓을 제공하므로, 티켓을 인쇄하실 필요가 없습니다.

Jomalia Shipping(이)가 사업 중인 도시는 어디인가요?

Jomalia Shipping(은)는 코론, 엘니도, Danao City, 카모테스, 세부, 막탄 아일랜드 및 라푸 라푸에서 사업 중입니다

Jomalia Shipping의 연락처 정보는 무엇인가요?

전화: +639188887818

Jomalia Shipping의 사무실은 어디에 있나요?

Jomalia Shipping의 사무실은 Albano Street, Cebu, Philippines에 있습니다